Archive for May, 2011

Who Is Worthy?

May 16, 2011

In the early hours of the morning, one-hundred passengers on a Cathy Pacific Airbus were pleading for their lives as the pilot shared the news that the plane was going to have to make an emergency landing in Singapore.  Thankfully the passengers were able to say, “God delivered them.”

As I read this story on I wondered, “If they were all praying to the same God?”  Even deeper I wondered, “Which God received the credit for their survival?”  These questions came as I found myself completing chapters 17-23 of II Samuel.  David’s life is now coming to an end.  Chapter 22 records for us David’s Psalm of praise for the one God who is worthy of praise.

“I call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised, and I am saved from my enemies,” 22:4.  David clearly understood that there was only one God worthy of praise.  David went on to write about this one true God, “He rescued me from my strong enemy, from those who hated me, for they were too mighty for me.  He brought me out into a broad place, He rescued me, because he delighted in me,” 22:18, 20.  

David understood, there was only one true God who could deliver him from his strong enemy and David discovered there was only one true God who delighted in him.  Question, “Who is the God who delivered and continues to deliver you?”  Question, “Who is the God who delights in you?”

For me, the answer to both questions is, “Jesus!” I cannot praise Him enough for delivering me from the strongest of enemies called sin.  I cannot praise Him enough for delighting in me, even though there was nothing delightful in me.

Brothers and sisters, when this reality comes into your life, you will cease praising yourself, and you will cease pursuing selfish goals.  You will seek to serve the God who loves you and gave himself for you.

I want to challenge to pay attention today to all that you experience.  Look closely for God’s hand of deliverance in your day.  Look closely for God’s hand of delight in giving you all you will receive today.  He is greatly to be praised!  He alone is worthy of glory, honor, and praise.

So, if you find yourself discouraged, look to Christ.  He is the God who delight’s in you and He is the God who delivers you from all your distress.  Once again notice the words of David, ” He is a God who is a shield for all those who take refuge in Him,” 22:31.  

When Will It Happen

May 13, 2011

There are many things in our lives that can be, unless overcome, a source of fear and worry.  Consider the words of Noreen Frazier, who has stage four metastatic cancer, “Just give me two weeks without the fear of cancer, that’s all I ask.  Every day I live with the fear of cancer spreading to my brain and then the end will come.”  (Noreen is the co-founder of Stand-Up-Cancer)

Certainly our hearts go out to Noreen and all who have her dreaded disease, but I want you to consider a more deadly disease called sin.  This morning I read II Samuel 13-16, Proverbs 30, and Luke 6.  In each of those chapters there is a continual theme of sin and judgment.

For our time this day, let’s consider David’s circumstance in II Samuel 13-16.  God had promised David that judgment would come to his family because of his sin.  Yes he was forgiven, but there were still the devastating results of his failure at home.  As one follows the time line, 7 to 9 years pass during these chapters and are they filled with sorrow in the family.  Here is just a sampling, “One of his son’s rapes his daughter who is his son’s half-sister.  Another son murder’s the son who rapes his sister.  This son turns David’s nation against him and his son takes the throne.”

Let’s be honest, any one of these things in itself is overwhelming, but when you put all of these things together, it would seem unbearable.  I wonder, if David asked God for a break?  I wonder, if David asked God for peace?  Certainly he was God’s man who had confessed his sin and had forsaken his sin, but the fallout of judgment was still taking place.

When will it happen?  When will peace come?  Brothers and sisters, the questions can often be as damaging as the pain of tough times themselves.  However, there is a better way.  You ask, “what is the way?”  The better way is to trust and obey.

This is exactly what David did in these difficult days.  Here is what David said in one of those moments, “If I find favor in the eyes of the Lord, he will bring me back and let me see both it and his dwelling place.  But if he says, ‘I have no pleasure in you,’ behold, here I am, let him do to me what seems good to him,” 15:25-26.

Even in the midst of the toughest of circumstances, David knew God was in control and He trusted his work and his timing.   Jesus made this promise to His disciples in Luke 6:21, “Blessed are you who weep now, for you shall laugh.”  

Brothers and sisters trails will come in many sizes and shapes but God will see us through.  We do not have to live in fear and doubt.  Our God is trustworthy and He will lead us in triumph.  So no matter what you are facing today, place it in His peaceful hands.  Some day, it will happen?  What will happen?  Peace will come and you will be with Him forever and ever amen.

Why Wasn’t It Enough?

May 12, 2011

This week I felt great sorrow in my heart as I read the story of the separation of the former governor of California from his wife of twenty fiver years.  As I read their story, here is what his wife said, “I really don’t know where I am to go from here, everything seems up in the air.”  I must confess that I wondered, “Here is a couple who has all the world has to offer, but it wasn’t enough.”

On the opposite side of this, I find this same scenario in the lives of many who profess to be followers of Christ.  It seems as if many in the body of Christ are never satisfied with where they are in life.  I find this true with many of the people in the bible.  For example, “King David.”

Certainly his story has been well documented.  I confess I found myself almost in a dread as I approached II Samuel 11-12 in my quite time.  I didn’t want to read about his adultery, lying, murder, and coveting his neighbor’s wife.  As I read these chapters I was suddenly gripped by the Prophets words to David, “Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel, I anointed you King over Israel, and I delivered you out of the hand of Saul.  And I gave you your master’s house and our master’s wives into your arms and gave you the house of Israel and Judah.  And if this were too little, I would add to you as much more,” 12:7-8.

God was saying to David, “I have given you everything you need. But you have chosen to live in a way that says,’God you have not given me enough, so I choose to get what I think is enough.”  Brothers and sisters, read back through the previous thoughts.  Do you find any conviction there?  I certainly did as I thought about the many times I have failed to trust in God’s provision for my life.

Why wasn’t what God provided for David enough?  Here is the answer, “The flesh of man is never satisfied.”  Let me write this one more time, “The flesh of man is never satisfied.” David found himself battling the flesh and in this instance and at other times as well, the flesh won and David sinned against God.  Be assured, we face this same battle with the flesh on a daily basis.

We are only satisfied when the flesh is subdued and Christ is supreme in our lives.  This is why it is crucial that we daily remind ourselves of the supremacy and sufficiency of Christ.  “Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord…” Phil 3:8.

This day I am praying for the former governor and his wife that they might see Christ and surrender to Christ.  But I am also praying for my own life that I would daily be satisfied with the supremacy and sufficiency of Christ.  By the way, I am also praying for you!!!

Which Is Better?

May 11, 2011

Question, “Which is better, to show someone something or to tell them something?”  A few examples will help us to understand.  Is it better to show someone ice-cream is good-by giving them some or is it better to just tell them about it?  Is it better to show someone that a hug is wonderful by giving one or is it better to just tell them about it?

This morning, I spent and extended time in II Samuel 8-10 and Proverbs 28.  In particular I camped out in chapter 9.  II Samuel 9 recounts the story of David’s kindness to one of Jonathan’s sons.  Here is David’s question in verse three, “Is there not still someone of the house of Saul, that I may show the kindness of God to him?”  David had experienced the kindness of God and He wanted others to experience this kindness.

Question, “Do we really want others to experience the kindness of God?”  I think it is important for us to identify this word, kindness.  The word speaks about God’s mercy being poured out on a underserving people. This mercy comes as a result of God’s great love for humanity (John 3:16).  This love is best seen in God’s kindness in sending Jesus with a divine commission to secure redemption for humanity.

Here in II Samuel 9 we see this pictured in David providing for Jonathan’s son a place in the family.  “He will eat at my table continually as one of the kings sons,” Vs:11.  What a picture we see of God’s kindness in allow believers to dwell in His presence forever as His children.  I must confess this is almost too much to comprehend.

But at the same time, it is too much to just tell someone about.  It is something that must be shown in the way we conduct our lives.  I truly believe a person who has experienced and understood the kindness of God has been so affected that his or her life will reflect this kindness in the way they live.

For example, “I see God’s kindness as members of our church feed and take care of those who cannot feed and take care of themselves.”  I see it when our missions teams feed the homeless and stay afterward for hours talking and reaching out to those who have no one who cares about their state of mind.  I see it every time a believer cries out with a broken heart for lost family members, and lost people in their sub-division.  I see it every time a believer chooses to respond to hate with love.

Question, “Do people see God’s kindness coming out in your life?”  Oh, how I pray two particular things:  1) Everyone who reads this today, would experience the kindness of God.  2) Everyone who experiences His kindness would extend this kindness to others.

Who Are You In Your Own Eyes?

May 10, 2011

The title of our blog may seem a little bit arrogant to some, but for others it may be a source of humility.  However, in either case I think you will understand very quickly my meaning.  The first half of the book of II Samuel tells us the story of David rising to leadership in Israel.  Chapter 8 closes with the following statement concerning David, “So David reigned over all Israel.  And David administrated justice and equity to all his people,” 8:15.  At this point David is at the top of the world.  God’s favor is apparent in his life.  One might wonder what David must have thought when he looked in the mirror each day.

But one does not have to wonder because one chapter earlier David offers the following prayer to God, “Who am I, O Lord God, and what is my house, that you have brought me thus far,” 7:18.  David was a man who had both a humble view of himself and a heightened view of God.  David knew that he was a flawed individual who did not deserve the blessings of God.  He knew that God had redeemed him for God’s own purposes, “And your name will be manifested forever,” 7:26.  

He also knew that God did this for him simply because of grace.  He did not deserve this and he could never earn this and he could never elevate himself because his success was all because of God.  Certainly, there are moments in our lives when we are faced with the struggle of self-elevation.  In those moments we must bring ourselves back to reality by confession that the only good in us is Christ.

How does this happen?  One must daily heighten his or her view of God.  This can only occur as we consistently view God from the pages of His holy word.  Only in God’s word do we get the true picture of God and ourselves.  I want to encourage you to take time and read II Samuel 7 and discover David’s heightened view of God.

I must confess, it left me in awe of His greatness, His grace, and His glory.  I also must confess it left me in awe of my blessing in being His child.  I am loved, liberated, and living a life that I could never live apart from Him.  I have no fear of death, I am headed to heaven.  I have no fear of life.  He will never leave me nor forsake me.  I have no fear of the future because He holds the future in his hand.

The only fear I have is in forgetting who He is.  If I forget who He is, then I only see who I am, and that is a dangerous place.  God help us to daily seek to see who He is so that we can daily know who we are in Jesus name.

How Much Longer Lord?

May 9, 2011

Last week I talked with someone from another part of our state and they asked the question, “How much longer will the Lord allow this to go on?”  They were referring to a particular circumstance that was consuming every part of their day.

I was reminded of this question as I read II Samuel 1-8.  David, has now seen God remove Saul from the throne of Israel.  We see the love of God flowing in and through David in chapter one as he weeps for Saul.  At this moment, most believe David has been on the run for ten years.  Please allow those words to sink in.  For 10 tears David has been living with a war being poured out against him.  Certainly, we discover from reading the Psalm’s David cried out, “How much longer Lord.”

In chapter two we discover an awesome tool to use when we are facing times of extended warfare.  “After this David inquired of the Lord,” 2:1.  David knew that his Sovereign Lord was in charge of his life.  He knew that God knew the end from the beginning and he did not want to make a move without God’s instructions.

David knew that God would bring peace into his life when it was best for God’s glory and for his good.  Finally in chapter 5 David is made king of all of Israel.  Here is what the writer of II Samuel says about David’s life, “And David became greater and greater, for the Lord, the God of hosts was with him,” 5:10.  As long as David consulted and conformed himself to God’s will, he found success.  But when David failed to consult and conform he found disaster.

Question, “Are you consulting and conforming yourself to God’s will?”  Maybe you quickly respond, ‘”Yes.”  But allow me to encourage you to look deeper.  Yes, you are crying out to God every day and many times during the day about your circumstances.  But are you crying out to get out or are you crying out to get what God wants you to get out of this war you are in.  My prayer, in the war, has now become, “God help me to stay under this trial until you are finished molding me in the areas I need to be molded.”

So when I ask, “How much longer Lord,” I am actually asking God to show me the path to complete obedience to His purpose.  I cannot explain how this has brought so much peace and perspective to my life.  Check out David’s life and see God’s purpose on every page and then check out James 1:1-8.  You will discover, for yourself, the truth we have been writing about today.

A Tribute To Mom’s Everywhere

May 6, 2011

This morning I found myself awake very early.  I was blessed with a wonderful quiet time with the Lord in II Samuel 1-4, Proverbs 26, and Luke 6.  I will write about these in Monday’s blog.

However, I want to pause this day and give a tribute to mom’s everywhere.  As you know, this weekend is set aside in our nation to honor our mothers.  For me, I will do two things Sunday morning: 1) I will wear a black suit with a pink tie.  This is the only Sunday of the year that I will do so, in honor of my mother.  2) I will miss my own mother, but I know that even though she would like me to be in Eastern Ky with her, she would much rather that I would be in God’s service.

The second thing demands explanation. When God choose to give life in my mother’s womb, she knew God was giving her a man who was called to preach His word.  She prayed for those nine months that God would use this child for His glory.  From the day this boy came into the world, she taught him the word of God.”Train up a child in the way he should go,” Proverbs 22:6.  I still remember the verses my mother taught me as well as the many verses taught during the weeks of Sunday School and many weeks of VBS.

The things that my mother taught me were and are the foundational truths I stand on.  However I discovered, by my own mother’s admission, “She was not perfect.”  This is why she always pointed me to Jesus.  For 50 plus years my mother taught children and youth in Sunday School the same truths she taught me.  All along the way she pointed people to Jesus.

So today, I want to encourage you to honor your mother this coming Sunday.  Maybe you were not blessed with a Godly mother, but still honor the office she holds.  If you mother has passed on, continue to honor her memory by living a life for God.  For me, I will not get to be with my mom, but I will get to shower my love to the second greatest mom I know, Sherry, my sweet wife, who has sacrificed more for the cause of Christ in our children than anyone I have ever know.

Finally, I would not be able to give tribute to my mom and to my wife without Jesus.  It was Jesus who redeemed my mother from the curse of the law when she was a teenager at summer camp.  It was Jesus who redeemed my wife from the curse of the law when she was a young girl.  So today, our tribute is to the God of our mothers, Jesus Christ.   I close with the words of Paul, “Thanks be unto God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ,” I Corinthians 15:57.

Undeserved Grace

May 5, 2011

The more a person understand ‘s the gospel, the more that person realizes how undeserving they are of the grace extended to them by God.  This morning I felt the sweetness of this statement as I read I Samuel 27-31.  In these chapters David chooses to live among the Philistines and King Saul comes to, as I wrote in the margin of my bible, “The end of a troubled life.”

I have read these chapters many times, but today, undeserved grace leaped from the pages.  Allow me to give you one illustration.  Chapter 31 offers this commentary, “Thus Saul died, and his three sons, and his armor-bearer, and all his men, on the same day together,” 31:6. In this we see the end result of all mankind.   Certainly most will not die in the manner as did Saul, but we will all die.

Now here is what amazed me, when Saul’s body was discovered by the Philistines they took his body and fastened it to the city wall in Bethsan.  “All the valiant men arose and went all night and took the body of Saul and the bodies of his sons from the wall…” Vs:12.

Here is a King who had failed God and his people.  This king had cost his people greatly, but in the end of life, his people extended undeserved  grace.  They travelled 15 miles behind enemy lines and took down his body and carried it back 15 miles through enemy territory.  This my friend, is undeserved grace.

When I think of Christ, who came through the enemy lines of this world and gave His life on the cross for undeserving people, I am humbled that He loved me so.  When I think about how Jesus took my lifeless Spiritual body (Ephesians 2:1-3) and made me alive in Him (Ephesians 2:4-5), I rejoice for undeserved grace.  When I think about how He will some day comes for me and carry me to a home in heaven (John 14:3), I praise Him for undeserved grace.

Just like Saul, who received undeserved grace, so to does every child of God, who has been redeemed by the blood of the lamb.  So on this first Thursday of May, the day set aside as The National Day Of Prayer.  Let us once again cry out to God for undeserved grace for our nation.

An Unbelievable Act Of Kindness

May 4, 2011

This morning I sat in my grandfather’s old recliner and scanned the headlines as I waited for my best friend to call.  As I scrolled down the page, I saw a headline that caught my eye, “Katy Perry, strict Christian upbringing kept me from having a childhood.”  As I read the article my heart broke because of the darkness that is now in this singers heart.  Line after line was filled with words from a lady who has lost her way in life. Katy truly believes she is at the best place she has ever been in her life.  Here are her own words, “At this point I am just kind of drifting.  I am like a sponge, open to all possibilities. I am soaking it all in.”

As I read this article I thought back to my quite time from I Samuel 22-27.  If ever there was a guy who lost his way, it was King Saul.  Here we find him, in almost madness, seeking to take the life of David.  Day after day he chases the man of god.  And day after day, God gives him grace to continue his madness.  For me, this is an unbelievable act of kindness.

The kindness of God is clearly illustrated for us in I Samuel 25 when Saul is chasing David.  Saul enters a cave to take care of his needs and does not realize that David and his men are hiding in this very cave.  David’s men encourage David to take his revenge.  David moves forward, but his conscience keeps him from carrying out this deed.  Here is what David would say to Saul a few verses later, “I have not sinned against you, though you hunt my life to take it,” Vs: 11.  Here is Saul’s response, “For if a man finds his enemy, will he let him go away safe? So may the Lord reward you with good for what you have done to me this day, Vs: 19.

In this we see a picture of the one who is greater than David who came to give His life as a payment for the sin of humanity.  God could have poured out his wrath on humanity, but in His love the Father sent His Son, John 3:16.  Whereas David spared Saul, so has Christ spared all who come to Him by faith.

What an unbelievable act of kindness on the part of David.  What makes this so amazing is that Saul would later come after him again and once again David would show kindness. This is the same kindness our Lord is showing Katy Perry and Keith Joseph.  We do not deserve His kindness, but I praise God for it.

Notice the words of Paul in describing this unbelievable act of kindness. “And you, who once were alienated and hostile in mind, doing evil deeds, he has now reconciled in his body of flesh by his death, in order to present you holy and blameless and above reproach before him,” Colossians 1:21.

Praise our Lord for His kindness in your life today.  Grant others the kindness you have been given, even though they like you do not deserve it.  May the truth of His kindness find importance in your life today.

How Long Oh Lord?

May 3, 2011

The capture and death of Usama bin Laden has in many people’s viewpoint brought to and end the heartbreak from 9-11-2001, but for others there is the strong reality that the war of terror continues to rage and will continue to rage until Jesus comes.

For me, this raises a question that maybe is not being spoken of by many people.  Here is the question, “How long will God allow evil to continue in the world?”  Every day, I find myself stunned by all the evil that takes place and I find myself asking God, “How long, Oh Lord?”

As I read chapters 17-23 in the book of I Samuel I wondered if David ever asked God this very question.  David was a man chosen, called, and commissioned by God to lead His chosen people.  However at this point in his life, it looked like he was not going to be able to lead.  The present king of Israel was hot on his trail.  David lived in some senses like Bin Laden, hiding in caves and running from the authorities.  “And Saul sought David every day, but God did not give him into his hands,” I Samuel 23:14.

In this one verse we find both David’s pain and his peace.  In this one verse we find both David’s heartbreak and his happiness.  In this one verse we find both David’s problem and his provision.  Maybe you are asking, “What are you seeing that I do not see?”

Let’s consider both parts of this verse.  First, “Saul sought him every day.”  In this we see David’s pain, heartbreak, and problem.  David was facing and enemy that had teeth.  David was facing and enemy that would not allow him to rest in any moment.  David was facing and enemy that would turn his allies into traitors.  Second, “But God did not give him into his hand.”  In the midst of all David was facing He had a settled peace that God was sovereign in the events of His life.  David could experience happiness because this was all in God’s plan and it would be for his good.  David was experiencing God’s provision in every trial.

Yes, life can seem to be troublesome for many months and years.  But the truth is, “God is at work and His work will bring Glory to His name.”  David found refuge and refreshment in all of this.

Consider Psalm 52 where David writes after a terrible time in his life when his dearest friends were executed by a traitor.  “Why do you boast of evil, O mighty man?  The steadfast love of God endures all the day. But God will break you down forever; He will snatch and tear you from your tent; He will uproot you from the land of the living.  I will thank you forever, because you have done it.  I will wait for your name, for it is good, in the presence of the godly,” Vs: 1,5,9.

May we see what David saw as he walked through days when evil seemed to be triumphing.  May we sing with David the praises of our God who will correct all wrongs in His time for His pleasure. Yes we have a reason to praise his name today in the midst of all we face.