Healthy Christ-Centered Ministry (I Thessalonians 2)

”So being affectionately desirous of you, we were ready to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own selves, because you were so dear to us,” I Thessalonians 2:8.

When I consider our Lord and Savior’s ministry I find myself in awe of His all-in life. According to Scripture, Jesus emptied Himself for our sakes (Philippians 2:5-9). Jesus gave His life as a ransom for our lives (Mark 10:45). While it is certain that no person can match His all in commitment, it is certain that we can posses, in Christ, a healthy Christ-Centered Ministry.

Here in I Thessalonians 2, Paul writes about the healthy Christ-Centered Ministry God had blessed him to live out. Because of Jesus, there was fruit in Paul’s life. Paul writes of his ministry success under three headings.

  1. Paul’s team was bold in the gospel despite the cost, Vs: 1-8.

As we read those verses we discover that Paul’s goal was to please God. Paul’s strategy was to lovingly share the truth with all people because Christ’s love flowed to him and through him into the lives of the people he met. Brothers and sisters, let us please God and let us love others as God loves us.

2. Paul’s team shared the gospel without cost, Vs: 9-10.

During the short time the team served in this city, they did not collect offerings to fund their ministry, these labored day and night in the market place sharing the gospel as they worked. Oh what a key insight we have here. It is in the market place where effective ministry happens. We work side by side with people who need the Lord and we have the gospel for them without cost.

3. Paul’s team strengthen those they reached with the gospel, Vs: 11-16.

Let us not overlook the need of exhorting and encouraging the body of Christ. Ministry does not end in the baptismal pool, it has just begun as we commit ourselves to the work of teaching, developing, and sending those we reach. A healthy Christ-Centered Ministry loves evangelism as well as discipleship. Friend’s let us give ourselves to both.

Question: Are you healthy as a Christian? If so, praise Him and continue to be exhorted and encouraged in a local body of believers and continue to reach those without Him. If not, start today by partnering with a local church in your area that is healthy in Christ.

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